Guidelines + Links
Calendars, Menus + Schedules
SFUSD Transportation Services. Specific questions may be emailed to
ADA Access Guides
Thanks to California Meals for All, all school meals will continue to be offered for free to all students. California was the first state in the country to adopt this new program. The Multipurpose Family Income Form (MFIF) is still important to support funding for school sites.
ParentSquare: Once you become a part of our community, and preregister, please download the app or bookmark this link on your computer. ParentSquare offers a school-wide online directory, class pages, school community communications, and photo sharing.
ParentVue: Once you become a part of our community, please download the app or bookmark this link on your computer. Mostly utilized by middle school families throughout the year. ParentVue also offers access to Grades for all students, Assigned Teachers at the new school year and is the place to update emergency forms, health forms, etc. ParentVUE access