What is Starlight?
The Starlight Auction + Gala is one of Claire Lilienthal’s biggest social fundraising events of the school year. Through this event, the CLPTA directly funds important enrichment and student-support programs such as Technology, Outdoor Science Education, Literacy, Arts & Music Education, Physical Education, School Library, and Green Schoolyard. The mainstays of the event are the Silent Auction and the Live Auction, Count Me Ins (CMIs), Teacher Treasures (TT), Class Quilts (K-2nd grade classes) and Class Projects (3rd-8th grade classes).
What is a Count-Me-In (CMI)?
Count-Me-Ins (CMI) are fun, community-building events hosted and paid for by one or more CL families. The host families determine the number of people to “buy in” to their event and event dates are preset, so purchasers can plan in advance. CMI’s are sold at a set price, not bid upward like silent or live auction items. The CMI’s can be geared toward the families of one classroom, grade level, or open to the entire school community. Events can be for kids, adults or families and they can be simple, unique or extravagant - most importantly, they are a good time! For more information on CMIs, please click here.
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